The Avengers series of films was the most successful series of films in the history of cinema. Its focus on a broader story and the combination of many beloved characters into one epic ending made it unique amongst other superhero films. However, no superhero story is complete without a good villain. Thanos was probably one of the most well thought out and well-developed villain to be written. His motives and ideals made him a compelling and interesting villain who often made the viewer question if he was even truly wrong.

The Good Guys

Thanos had a very extremist goal. That much is clear. As the population of intelligent life forms grows, problems tend to rise. Resources are limited. Hence a fight for survival ensues. As resources start to run out more and more beings fall into poverty. This was the problem that Thanos attempted to solve by using the “Infinity Stones’ to wipe out half of all life in the universe. However, as in almost all superhero movies his plan was thwarted by the “good guys” (The Avengers).

The approach that Thanos took to solving this problem is extreme but there is evidence shown in the films that prove that the method is effective to some extent. When Thanos did this to Gamora’s planet he states that afterwards, the planet becomes a haven for life. So his plan, although very extreme, is effective. There are however a few problems with the method he plans to use for the whole universe as well as the plan as a whole. There also exists a much better and peaceful solution as well which I shall detail later on.

Let us start with the flaws in his plan, other than a most obvious massive loss of life, pain, and suffering to loved ones and loss of human/alien resource that his plan brings about, For a solution to be viable sustainability is key. Just how sustainable is this plan? After wiping out half the universe Thanos then proceeds to destroy the stones. Therefore it is obvious that this solution is only a temporary one. Populations will increase once again and therefore resources will once again start to run out. The only way this plan would even remotely work in the long run is if the extermination is done at periodic intervals until the end of life. It is like curing a disease by only treating its symptoms. It does not address the underlying cause.

How did the snap work?

Another problem that has bugged me ever since I heard of this plan is how exactly do the infinity stones decide who is eliminated. Is it completely random or is there some order? If the process is completely random, then there are another bunch of issues. There is a possibility that an entire species of beings get wiped out. There is also a possibility that no living being on a planet is wiped out. Similarly, all beings in a planet may be wiped out. The extermination may also occur in such a way that the balance of an ecosystem is destroyed. This depends on how the half are chosen. So there is a chance of actually worsening the problem. This can be avoided if there is a way to select half of each species and eliminate them.

As I mentioned before, there is in fact a better, less extreme and more sustainable solution. The answer is quite simple, Innovation. The core of the problem is that resources are limited. What exactly gives values to these resources? How the resources are put to use is what gives them value. In simple words, innovation finds new and creative ways to use resources in such a way that the value of the existing resources increases. Take, for example, the semiconductor industry. Due to innovation, the number of transistors per unit area of silicon has grown exponentially. Therefore the value extracted by a given amount of resource(silicon in this case) has increased. While resources are limited, innovation is not. There are also methods such as recycling that can be used to reuse resources. It is a fundamental law of physics that states that the energy cannot be destroyed or created, it only changes its form. Therefore, it can be understood that the use of resources is simply an energy conversion. The energy is not in fact destroyed. Thus theoretically energy can be reused as well.


One can make the argument, ” What if a species is not intelligent enough to innovate at the required pace.” However, this is not an issue. Innovation, when used properly, benefits everyone. For example, take products like the motor vehicle or the mobile phone. These were developed in different parts of the world but they are used everywhere around the world. In short, its benefits are reaped by not only the party that invented it but also by the people who use it. The more people use it the better for the party that developed it. Therefore both parties will benefit. Hence in this way, even species who cannot innovate will benefit from those who can. This is actually how the world works(even in real life). When they say that all countries are technically developing, this is one reason.

Was Thanos the bad guy?

In the end, I simply couldn’t enjoy the movie to its fullest because of my compulsive need to analyze stuff like this. There are many other flaws in The Avengers franchise which I do not have the time to write. Shows like Breaking Bad have really ruined me with their attention to detail and as a result, it is now very difficult for me to enjoy any decent movie or tv show. When you know what perfection is like its difficult to settle for anything less.

Rtr. Daksith Chandrasekara


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