‘’Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary

                     Achievements from ordinary people”


Leadership is not just a word or a role to be played simply. It is a small word that includes a huge meaning that takes each letter of this word to describe. Let us look into these Letters carefully to understand the true sense of ‘ Leadership’.

[dropcap type=”default”]L[/dropcap]isten twice as much as you speak. As one of the most important qualities of a leader, he should be a good listener rather than a chatterbox. Being the sole head of the group he/she must be able to listen to all the ideas that flow in from each member to analyze the problems and find optimum                       solutions for it.

[dropcap type=”default”]E[/dropcap]ncourage people to take risks. This is a vital case as many are allergic to take risks. They think that the risks might only entail losses rather than goodwill. It’s the leader who gives that confidence and motivates him with optimistic thoughts.

[dropcap type=”default”]A[/dropcap]ssess the facts before making a decision. There will be so many interests, involvements, influences coming your way. It is in the leader who verifies, evaluates, analyzes and decides which is best among all and which benefits the most.

[dropcap type=”default”]D[/dropcap]emand accountability of yourself and others . Being the leader you are responsible for what’s happening under your control. Also, you are accountable for works done on behalf of you, by you and also the work of your team.

[dropcap type=”default”]E[/dropcap]xpect people to do their best . It is a duty for a leader to encourage the team members and motivate them to give their best in the works and responsibility they are given with. This will build up a team with great results and efficiency to work with.

[dropcap type=”default”]R[/dropcap]espect those “under” and “above” you, even if it is a normal team member or higher officials which you have to report to. All have to be given equal respect, as all humans in this world deserved to be respected.

[dropcap type=”default”]S[/dropcap]olve problems with the action . First and foremost, the leader has to be a person with patience and a humble mind. Where a person could analyze the situation well and decide on what’s true and fair according to relevant facts and analysis.

[dropcap type=”default”]H[/dropcap]onour your word . As you respect others ideas and views. You must always honor your word and stick to it. If you agree upon doing a certain thing, it must be done without any hesitate, This will make you a role model among the team members as well.

[dropcap type=”default”]I[/dropcap]nclude others in the process. “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”. when working with a group, higher aims, higher motivations, goals could be achieved as a team together. Always delegate work between teams to get the maximum results.

[dropcap type=”default”]P[/dropcap]raise publicly , criticize and correct privately. This is the most important quality a leader should possess. this is where the inward respect of others build towards a leader. Appreciations have to be done publicly and criticizing or correcting a person’s fault has to be done privately. This is also another way to motivate a good team spirit.

In conclusion, each letter has a descriptive meaning for the word LEADERSHIP “ . As I mentioned before, just being a ‘Leader’ for its namesake won’t bring you anything, But, if you add the above principles to yourself and act accordingly, you will be able to be a leader to be remembered.   

Rtr. Shiffara Haarief


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